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Cereal Killer

Cereal. I love the stuff. Maybe a little too much, depending on which of my friends you ask. Their reactions to my cereal antics vary from mild amusement to utter disdain.

Let's get one thing straight, I never have cereal for breakfast. I don't exactly know the reason for this. I think it's because it doesn't go well with coffee. Maybe it's because my highly evolved (cereal loving) tastebuds need some time in the morning to wake up, but whatever the case, you won't see me eating cereal to start the day.

But you'll see me eating it any other time.

Lunch, dinner, afternoon snack. Dessert, late night fridge raid, you name it. It's all fair game as far as I'm concerned.

Old flat mates that I bump into often ask me if I'm "still having Rice Bubbles at 10pm when I get home from a long day" with a curious grin on their face, as if it were some stupid little faze of which I'm destined to outgrow.

This isn't a faze or a passing trend. Yes, of course I'm still eating the Rice Bubbles at ungodly hours of the night. Some things will never change. Here's a picture of me as a kid for proof. Most kids ran around their yard with an orange or banana for sustenance. Me, I had a bowl of you know what. This made cricket harder than necessary, but it was worth it for the cereal.

What's more, I also cop it from family and friends because in winter I often heat my cereal in the microwave. People who see me doing this react as though I'm jamming a fluffy little kitten in there.

Observer: "What are you doing?!"
Bonestorm: "Erm... putting my Honey Wheats in the microwave."
Observer: "What for?! Get them out of there you insane idiot!"

Some people just don't understand the finer points of cereal, I suppose. Try a bowl of mushy hot Rice Bubbles on a cold winter's night and you'll never look back, I say.

That sounds perfectly normal to me. Warm Special K is gooood. Especially on freezing mornings.

I think it’s normal. I used to eat cereal at any time in the day as well.

Just recentally I started eating cornflakes again for the first time in years.

I love having cereal for a snack. Especially Reeses Puffs. Yum!

Woohoo! I finally have some support from other cereal lovers. Maybe I was the normal person all along, and my friends are the weirdos.

Are Rice Bubbles the same Rice Crispies here in the UK?

If so then I always make the mistake of putting too much milk in and they all float to the top and over the edges. I used to have a dog that would follow me around eating whatever fell off the bowl. Happy days

May be we should form a support group for cereal lovers with you as our leader

hehehe. I've had hot Weet-bix before - my grandmother use to pour hot water over them to make them all mushy and warm before putting milk on. Not sure if I'd have hot Rice Bubbles though :) Still, cereal makes an awesome snack. Blackcurrant Mini-Wheats = late night goodness!!! Oh, you're the cereal king maybe you can answer this question: Mini-Wheats used to be available in Apricot, too, but I haven't seen that flavour for about 2-3 years - what happened to them??!!!

I had to do a web search on Rice Crispies and it looks like they're identical to Rice Bubbles, even down to the Snap, Crackle and Pop guys. Weird.

Stu: I've always wanted to be a cult leader. The Cereal Cult. It has a nice ring to it. ;)

Boff: mini wheats are nice. I'll have a look next time I'm in the cereal aisle for apricot, and assault the nearest shelf-stacker if they aren't there. I actually discovered Weet-bix crunch (with honey) this week and they are really nice.

I can stand Breakfast Cereal and haven't eaten any in years. I tend to eat Vegimite on toast.

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