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'The Butterfly Effect' is a Brisbane four-piece band who yesterday released their second album, Imago. They are also one of my favourite acts, so I couldn't pass up the chance to see them at their instore appearance at Skinnys in Brisbane. Weirdness ensued.

The first order of business was paying for my pre-order of Imago. I handed over my pre-order docket to the clerk, who seemed to be noticably swaying where he stood, and who blearily stared at the docket for around 10 seconds before turning to me and saying: "How much have you paid so far?"

Personally, I thought the 'Paid $5' part of the docket was a dead giveaway. Apparently not, so I filled him in.

He then placed the album on the counter, produced a receipt (full price of the album $25) and proceeded to drop the receipt on the floor three times before placing it beside the album. He then stared at me again foggily.

"You... you just gave me $20, right... man?"
*Bonestorm stares at him quizzically*
More staring. More swaying. A wolf howls in the distance.
"Oh. Sorry man, it's been one of those days."

Anyway, album purchased, I got in line to have my stuff signed by the band, Ms B in tow. I first reached Kurt, the guitarist, who had been celebrating the release of the album with a beer or ten. After a discussion about guitars I made a joke about dragging Ms B along to their concert next month, because she hasn't quite caught the Butterfly Effect bug yet.

Bonestorm: "This girl has to come to The Arena next month, right?"
Kurt: nods enthusiastically.
Bonestorm: "Because the cast of McLeods Daughters are making a special appearance, riigght?" Ms B is a big fan of the show.
Kurt: Stares at me. Foggily. Deja Vu. Turns to Ms B. "You work for McLeods Daughters?"

Glenn, the bassist, came to the rescue and acknowledged the joke politely, which made me feel a bit better.

I moved on down the line and had a great chat with Clint and Ben and overall I was struck by how down to earth the guys were.

Kurt I hope the hangover isn't too bad. If I'd made an album this good, I'd be celebrating too.

haha. Sounds like the store clerk may have been a stubbie short of a six pack... or 5 stubbies short :P

Lol yeh. Speaking of beer, substance abuse may have been the order of the day. I don't know what he was on, but I want some!

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