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Really smart or...

...really lazy, I can't decide.

A few days ago I was driving behind a fellow resident of my complex and they had a novel idea for taking their empty wheelie bin back to their house from the front gate. They basically stuck an arm out the car window on their way past and grabbed it, and then hauled it along next to the car as they drove along.

Before you applaud the sheer genius of this idea and plan to do it yourself, I would suggest you have a healthy disregard for your car's paintwork. Cornering did not go well for the bin draggers I observed. The bin whacked and scraped against the car enough in a straight line, let alone when it was presented with a curve.

Their attempt to mount the curb to their driveway also had me wincing.

I guess it's the way with these genius inventive types, they're not always the most practical.

hahaha. Why let practical necessities get in the way of a brilliant, exertion-saving idea?! Bringing in the bins has to be up there with ironing as one my most hated chores, sacrificing a little of the car's paint seems a small price to pay ;)

Bringing the bin in doesn't worry me so much as forgetting to put it OUT, then hearing the garbo's come a bolting down the street at 5am, resulting in my good self having to jump out of bed, race down three flights of stairs, wrestle the bin out of its little sheltered home and drag it down a long arse driveway to the kerb, all the while dressed in nothing but boxer shorts and t-shirt in below zero temperatures!!

Boff: maybe we could add to the fun factor if one of us drives and the other jumps in the bin for a ride. Erm... I'll drive.

Steph: the garbos around here have a tendency to come at odd times. One week it will be 2pm, the next 8am. So I can relate to that situation, they've caught me by surprise now and again. ;)

Maybe he's a garbo, and he's used to the mechanical arm that empties the bins.

Some people in our block have appropriated two bins and put them under their verandah with a rope attached to the lids. Instead of walking the massive distance* to the bin, they drop their rubbish in over the balcony.

I'd think it was very clever if they weren't complete arseholes. Funny how that happens.

* one flight of stairs

we have about six bins. one for plastic, one for paper, one for tins, one for cardboard, one for human waste and one for organics.

I envisage having to fill the car with people in order to bring all these 'back to the ranch'.

What a bunch of lazy turds.

How far did he need to take it? It sounds really lazy to me.

Does that mean every times they take out the bin they have to get into the car? Sounds like a lot of trouble to me...but afterall, I throw my garbage down a chute or recycle the rest in the basement and god know that has downsides too.

Chicky: maybe he should get one of the mechanical arms fitted to his car? :p

Sherd: I've seen that somewhere before too. Very dodgy.

Matt: that sounds wayyy to complicated for me. We have two and that's more than enough.

Huggies: good call. :)

Stu: it's not far, maybe 40 - 50 metres. It would take about 30 seconds to walk.

Charlemagne: I think these people would looove a chute. Maybe they'll just end up digging a pit in their back yard.

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