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Wednesday bits n pieces

What is it with blank CDs these days? Five years ago blank CDs that I bought and burned as an audio CD could be played in pretty much anything I own. Three years ago CDs started skipping on my home stereo, which is 15 years old, so I guess I can't complain too much about that.

Now they are skipping in my car as well, which has a new-ish CD player in it. It's driving me nuts. I figure CD production standards have dropped as they are now being pumped out by the billion and as cheaply as possible. I'd gladly pay a dollar per CD if I knew they were going to work ok. Does anyone have a brand to suggest?


I'm eating Iced Vovos at work at the moment. Roughly translated, old person food. Bonestorm, 32 going on 70. I just need to start complaining about everything (CDs were soooo much better back in the good old days) and my transition to old fart will be complete.


My home PC's CPU died peacefully on Monday and I'm in mourning. It's under warranty but may take a month to come back (if the manufacturer deems I haven't used it improperly). This being the case, I've assumed command of Ms B's computer for the time being. There will be a funeral for the CPU on Friday and afterwards a wake, where I'll be serving Iced Vovos on a platter made out of ruined CDs.

Ah but... they don't make funerals like they used to!

Ah the iced vovo. You can negate the old-man aura by consuming your vovos with cliched "youth beverages" like Jolt cola or Red Bull. Conversely, you could really increase the dodderiness by drinking green tea with your Vovo because "it's good for you" ;)

iced Vo-vo's are da shiznit!
Love em. Specially with a hot Milo :P

Mate, don't worry about the old Iced Vovo. I don't actually like a Vove myself, but I'd never noticed that they were actually ladybits in diguise until this PetStarr blog a while back: http://blandcanyon.blogspot.com/2004/06/genitalia-with-your-tea-maam.html
G'aan, have a read. I'm sure you'll feel so much better about your jam, coconut and pink bits habit ;)

I know how you feel about the CD thing as my 21 years old Technics CD Player is just about dead.

As for the CD-R's I mainly used TDK but recently I tried MTV Brand from Coles and these seem to work fine as well.

I don't eat Ice Vovo's. I prefer Tiny Teddies :) .

hello! remember me? Tiscali finally connected us hurray! It's only taken over a month :/

Chickybabe: that's another thing for me to rant about. :p

Boff: Red Bull addiction may work out well for me. I've avoided drinking it all these years but if it helps me look a few months younger, I'm in.

Steph: Glad to have your support!

Redcap: I've always wondered where my fascination came from...

Huggies: thanks for the advice. I'll check it out.

Mary: welcome back!

I even have some trouble with blank CDs not working in my computer.

By the way I've finally recognized you from your profile image. I did not know you had your own comic:

Lmao Stu, that is awesome! And nice spotting...

Thanks, Invader Stu: That comic is HLarious! ...and I've just wasted way too much time reading it. I'm now hooked.

I think I lost a whole day of work reading it when I first found it :p

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